Tax Tip: Who Can File Your Taxes?

Many people file their taxes, but others choose to have a third party represent them. The IRS shares information about the different types of third-party authorizations that allow someone to represent you on its site.

  • Power of Attorney – allows someone to represent a taxpayer in tax matters.
  • Tax Information Authorization – appoints anyone to review or receive a taxpayer’s confidential tax information for the type of tax for a specified period.
  • Third Party Designee – designates a person on the taxpayer’s tax form to discuss that specific tax return and year with the IRS.
  • Oral Disclosure – authorizes the IRS to disclose the taxpayer’s tax info to a person the taxpayer brings into a phone call or meeting with the IRS about a specific tax issue.

*This information is not intended to substitute for specific individualized tax advice. We suggest you discuss your specific tax issues with a qualified tax professional.

Tip adapted from IRS.gov6

Footnotes and Sources

  1., 2023